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Revolut Securities Europe UAB (Reg. No. 305799582) is a Lithuanian investment firm authorised and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania. Revolut Securities Europe UAB’s registered office is at Konstitucijos ave. 21B, Vilnius, Lithuania, LT-08130. Metals trading services are provided by Revolut Ltd (Reg. No. 08804411), whose registered office is at 7 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, England, E14 4HD. ***METALS: Capital is subject to risk. You should consider whether Revolut is offering metals in a realistic manner and only make decisions based on your financial circumstances and risk appetite. The price and value of metals such as gold can rise or fall sharply at any time. You may suffer substantial losses. Funds received by us from metals transactions are not protected by the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 or covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). We cannot guarantee that any data or information used in connection with your access to metals is up to date, accurate or complete. Revolut’s metals services are provided by Revolut Ltd (registered no: 08804411). Registered office: 7 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, England, E14 4HD. Metals services are not regulated by the financial services authority. Terms of Use apply to all products listed.